In coming years, the share of x86-plates remain modest

Posted by on December 4, 2011 in Gadgets | 0 comments

In coming years, the share of x86-plates remain modest

Richard Shim (Richard Shim) from DisplaySearch has published analytical prediction, which predicts that next year’s Windows-tablets running on chips x86 (mainly, Intel), with the release of Windows will be able to win from eight ARM only 1.8% of the market, is selling these devices make up 1.8 million from the general supply of 100 million units.

Most of the x86-tablet will be based on family processors Intel Atom. Although the reference tablet, presented at the conference Microsoft BUILD, was based on the CPU Core i5.

World’s supply of tablets on the processor architecture (million units)

This disappointing figure, according to analysts, improve somewhat in 2013, when the market will be delivered already 3.1 million tablets of Windows 8, based on chip x86. This will amount to 2.1% share of the market – all for 2013, Mr. Shim expects growth in supply of tablets to 148 million units.

If the analyst believes that in 2013 most of the x86-based tablets will have on Intel’s mid-level, which will be released in the first half of the year. As expected, the chips become more integrated Haswell than Ivy Bridge, the replacement of which they come. Intel calls Haswell system on a chip (SoC). This means that the processors may be combined on a chip with all the necessary system logic, and not rely on additional chips. Learn more about dating over 50!

Incidentally, as expected, Haswell will be the basis ultrabukov 2013. But that would be are these ultrabuki? Will the ultra-thin laptops with touch screens on Windows-based tablets and Haswell rather than laptops? And should I take tablets such devices? If yes, what share of Intel on the tablet market in 2013 should be much higher.

DisplaySearch thus finds that the tablets based on ARM chips in the coming years will hold an overwhelming share of the market. This year, the growth of such tablets is projected, as 211%, bringing the total number of shipments to 59.9 million units. The following year ARM-chips are already used in nearly 100 million tablets.

Today, the main suppliers of chips for ARM tablets are Apple and NVIDIA, but next year, as expected, Qualcomm and Texas Instruments will also be important players in this market.