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Servers are actively being developed ARM-based chips

Servers are actively being developed ARM-based chips

Consortium of leading European companies and research institutes, announced plans to develop a new type of computer architecture based on ARM processors and capable of providing ekzaflopsnye calculate the consumption of 15 or even 30 times smaller than today’s supercomputer systems.

This new project, called Mont-Blanc, coordinated by the Barcelona supercomputer center (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, BSC) and a budget of over € 14 million, including more than € 8 million investment by the European Commission.

The main initial objective – to create a full-featured high-performance supercomputer based on chips that are used today in embedded systems, and overcome the limitations found in the prototype and build applications that can take advantage of this ekzaflopsnogo supercomputer.

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ARM aims at the server market with new 64-bit architecture ARMv8

ARM aims at the server market with new 64-bit architecture ARMv8

The developer of ARM chips introduced recently the eighth generation of its instruction set architecture (ISA). ARMv8 ISA extends the current architecture ARMv7 64-bit memory addressing.

The company notes that this move will allow the company to find a place chips in the server market and other business sectors, bringing the benefits of energy efficiency in a market that is increasingly faced with the problem of power consumption and computational efficiency.

Previous instruction set architecture ARMv7 provides 32-bit virtual address space, expandable to 40-bit. This allowed the chips to ARMv7, such as the Cortex A8 and Cortex A9, the underlying mass smartphone applications to provide 4GB of memory, potentially addressing with up to 1TB of physical memory.

For the more traditional tasks, which use the core ARM, 4GB is enough, but the company wants to break away from the market of mobile devices and embedded systems in new areas.

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HP said its plans for the development of servers based on chips ARM

HP said its plans for the development of servers based on chips ARM

We recently wrote about the fact that there were the first real worries about the upcoming Intel confrontation with the British company ARM processor server market, in Europe launched a program to develop energy-efficient ARM-server, HP also considering the possibility of release servers based on ARM.

Soon after that HP officially unveiled Project Moonshot – the initiative release of energy efficient servers. Moreover, this initiative is not only HP has announced the impending development platform based on the chip ARM, but also a multi-stage multi-year program that includes elements such as HP Discovery Lab, where the company’s customers will be able to experiment, to test and compare the application on the platform and partner ecosystem Pathfinder Program, which will assist in the research initiatives of customers and support the development of elements of the Project Moonshot through open industry standards.

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Qualcomm is going to enter the market of laptops and PCs

Qualcomm is going to enter the market of laptops and PCs

As a result of continuous development of ARM processors are strongly increasing their productivity, so the idea of ​​using these chips in the next generation of thin notebooks and entry-level PC is becoming more viable. It is not surprising that Qualcomm wants to become one of the first ARM-producers in this market.

These plans shared with the public none other than senior vice-president and president of the European branch of Qualcomm CDMA Technologies Enrico Salvatori (Enrico Salvatori). In a recent interview resource Fudzilla, he said that the company’s goals include optimizing the platform for smartphones and tablets, followed by access to the markets of laptops and PCs.

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The official announcement of NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 Cores

The official announcement of NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 Cores

As expected, today NVIDIA officially announced the release of a modified version of the graphics card GeForce GTX 560 Ti, which has 448 CUDA cores instead of 384.

GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 Cores made on a black PCB under the bus PCI Express 2.0 x16, and is based on a set of 40-nm chip technology with the same structure as that of the more powerful single-GPU graphics cards GeForce GTX 570 and GeForce GTX 580 and dual-chip GeForce GTX 590.

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Against the GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 Cores in the ring will Radeon HD 6930?

Against the GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 Cores in the ring will Radeon HD 6930?

On Thursday, NVIDIA has introduced a modified graphics card GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 Cores based on the established 40-nm chip GF110 with 448 cores CUDA. Thus, a California electronics giant managed to somehow make themselves known in the lull before the coming of its first announcement made on 28-nanometer process GPU family Kepler and at the same time provide yourself the opportunity to not only get rid of the stock chip GF110, but try to make the traditional consumer frenzy before the Christmas holidays.

This raises the logical question is whether, and how it is, a retaliatory move its main competitor in the person of Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)? Bring some clarity to the situation helped to information released by the Chinese network resource MyDrivers.com.

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Initiative for ARM-server

HP unveiled its new software development technology, which is designed to help customers simplify their IT infrastructure. The initiative, called Project Moonshot provides for a server platform, building partner ecosystem and the organization of research laboratories for customers.

Moonshot initiative is based on a converged infrastructure HP, the purpose of this project – to provide shared storage systems, network equipment and power and cooling in environments that include thousands of servers. This program determines the development platform, the direction of development of these platforms with very low power consumption, which are popular and sought after suppliers of web services and cloud services. This project used the development of the company in reducing energy consumption.

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