How to help your child cope with his homework?

Posted by on November 18, 2012 in Info | 0 comments

Homework – a component of school life. Well, if the child himself can organize themselves and not ask for help adult. However, this is – most redkost.Kak help your child learn to learn, easy to deal with homework?
Start homework necessary after rest, better – walking. Let it distract from the educational process, to play, to move.

Watch TV – not a vacation!

On a full stomach, even daunting task does not seem so scary Feed the child lunch.

Take care that no external factors did not distract the child from the textbooks. Create a working environment. Turn off the TV, the radio, remove the sight of toys.

First of all, doing homework, the child learns to self-organization, self-control. So we must begin with the diary. Necessary to teach the child to use the diary regularly. The main role is played in this is to parents. Many familiar picture when the child comes home and does not know that it was given to the house. Have to call classmates. Learning task, the child begins to perform, but the entry in the diary is not done. The child must under the control of parents to make a record. .

Why is it so hard to teach the child to use a diary? The diary says all the negative of school life:

not very good grades, and you always want to get good;

comments, and do not really want parents to know about it;

Homework should be written, and execute it does not want to;

schedule, which immediately recalls that we should go to school, to vacation far away.

Keeping a diary. Rules for adults.

Number one should not always blame the child for bad grades.

Number 2 start homework necessary to view the blog. If not all the jobs are recorded, you need to make records.

№ 3 should make it clear to your child that a diary – not the enemy but drug.V school life anything can happen. All difficult when studying. Bad appraisal establishes the fact that while you have not learned it, but together we can handle. You’re not very good at maths master (books, etc.), but you know how to sew very well (risovat. ..).

№ 4 Control Diary for the week ahead.

Some items come in every day. Sometimes the job is given to the following week. Some children get lost, do not know where to write for a long time and do not have time to orient themselves. If you change the schedule, even if the child himself will make pencil markings in advance will target itself, which must be written assignment.

№ 5 Encourage your child to be exact. Diary – document. It must lead akkuratno.Prezhde you need to see the full scope and level of difficulty. Timetable better check the schedule frequented clubs and family entertainment. Sometimes you can not do something the day before, and on that day when the lesson is given less (for example, those items that are 1 – 3 times a week). Estimating the volume and complexity of the child is planning its activities. Need to pick up with the baby all you need to work on the selected subject.

Start your homework with the most difficult and bulky items. Parents watching the health and fatigue child can choose the best option. Most often it is the exact sciences – mathematics, Russian language, foreign language. Then move on to easier and more interesting. Verses teach together, so it will be fun and exciting.

Some children may be better to run your jobs with the easiest. So, the guys is doing a lot of problems and exercises, which creates a sense of satisfaction.

If, apart from the tutorial is based on the printed notebooks, they were working in the school, but at home there are no jobs for them, it is necessary to see what and how the child is doing in school.