Nokia tablet will hit the market with Windows 8

Posted by on December 4, 2011 in Gadgets | 0 comments

Nokia tablet will hit the market with Windows 8

While CEO Stephen Elop Nokia (Stephen Elop) has announced the Windows Phone smartphones almost a year before they enter the market than has undermined sales Symbian-devices, it is much more restrained interpretation of the tablet planes. The only thing we can say with certainty – Nokia examines Windows 8 as an excellent opportunity for the Tablet market.

Operating system Microsoft Windows 8 will support both high-performance chips are x86, and energy-efficient processor ARM; thanks to the latest desktop environment will be available in ultra-portable device that can perform some traditional applications.

Microsoft does not want the appearance of the mobile operating system Windows Phone on tablets, claiming that these devices should have the same functions as desktop PCs and laptops. In general, if Nokia wants to link its strategy with Microsoft, it will use for their tablet is Windows 8.

Stephen Elop has repeatedly talked about the possible withdrawal of his company’s tablet market. In an interview with Businessweek, he noted that the coming of Windows 8, Block brings a dynamically updated interface that is a kind of enhanced version of Windows Phone for tablets. “Coming a new flatbed perspective. We see this opportunity. Implicitly, it [Windows 8] to change the dynamics of the tablet market “- said Mr. Elop.

Earlier this year, Nokia CEO said that he wants to release a unique tablet, and not just another machine on the market. After these words, Nokia refused to move the operating system MeeGo, so now it remains a viable small choice of either Google Android, or Windows 8.

“Today there are over 200 different tablets on the market, and only one of them is really doing well. I told my team that do not want to release the 201st tablet on the market, which is no different from the rest. We need to offer a unique product Nokia, so that the teams have been working on what will distinguish us from everyone else on the market “- said Mr. Elop in an interview with Businessweek.

Perhaps now, and Nokia does not make sense to produce another 201-th plate. Nevertheless, given the fact that the market is flooded with Android-tablets and family Apple iPad, while Microsoft currently does not offer anything particularly interesting market, it is clear that the Windows-platform yet very important element. Unfortunately, until the release of Windows 8 Finnish partner of Microsoft, does not seem to rectify this situation.