The head of Google is working to improve flexibility and responsiveness Web giant

Posted by on December 4, 2011 in Internet | 0 comments

The head of Google is working to improve flexibility and responsiveness Web giant

The current executive director of Google, Larry Page (Larry Page) does not like to spend time on meetings and conferences, he even got rid of the Secretary, that he once again did not inform him about the upcoming meeting. Also, he does not bestow an e-mail (even if it comes to his own service, Gmail) – solve problems and exchange views in case it takes too much time.

Mr. Paige has never been so impatient, it is now. He has been a transformation in the era of Google midlife crisis company, which threatens to displace it from the perspective of one of the most dynamic leaders of Silicon Valley.

Founded in 1998, Google’s now 15 years old, but in terms of years, this technological age, when the aging search giant was far less agile than in the early formative years. He loses his staff, who go into the new, more recent and promising start-ups, it limits the number of state measures that surround the competition in the face of Facebook, Apple and Amazon, while consuming the Internet of its customers.

As a result, Mr. Page, co-founder and CEO of Google, has returned to the helm in April this year, is engaged in large and small changes. He closed more than 25 projects, stating that they are unpopular. He went to the largest acquisitions in history, Google, having spent $ 12.5 billion for the purchase of Motorola Mobility, so Google can no longer be considered exclusively by the software.

He tries to influence the personal example of corporate culture, not endorsing the use of electronic mail that prevents rapid decision making. “Once was appointed executive director, I focused much of its energy on increasing the speed and diligence to Google, and we begin to see results” – said in a recent 38-year-old Larry Page on presentation to analysts.

Those who disagree with his policies annoyed that by closing a number of projects, it risks to suppress a culture of innovation for Google, which has increased due to the fact that gave his engineers the time for experimentation. “He runs the risk of eventually losing a lot of people” – tells reporters a staff member who, like others, prefers to remain anonymous, because the company prohibits them from talking to the press without permission of his superiors. “It certainly is active, – noted analyst at Citigroup Google Mahan Mark (Mark Mahaney). – Will it be an active and successful – say is difficult. ”

The new position of the change and Mr. Page, with practice and specialization. Convicted of a rare appearance in public, he begins to communicate with shareholders and analysts, avoiding, however, talk to the press. It reduced the time corporate meetings up to 50 minutes, because I thought that the hour – it’s too much.

Despite repeated external pressure on Google, the company still dominates the business and is very profitable. But at a recent conference when Larry Page was asked what is the strongest threat to his company, he replied in one word: «Google».

The problem is that the company is quickly inflated – today it has 31 000 employees and received 27.3 billion revenue. Previously, each solution had to be approved by Larry Page, co-founder Sergey Brin (Sergey Brin) and former executive director Eric Schmidt (Eric E. Schmidt). As a result, important decisions could be delayed for a long time, which could adversely affect the competitiveness of the search giant.

Today the situation is different. “It’s more like the style of Steve Jobs, the three-headed monster rather than on who was Google, – said one of the former company executives in a private conversation. – When in this position was Eric Schmidt, at meetings of the products or the meeting of leading experts, each weighed in the decision-making. Larry Page would rather make good decisions now, rather than perfect then. “