AMD is no longer able to compete with Intel and moves the focus to the mobile market

Posted by on December 4, 2011 in Interesting | 0 comments

AMD is no longer able to compete with Intel and moves the focus to the mobile market

The disaster, which is called the Bulldozer processor output in some circles, apparently convinced the leadership of AMD, the chances of effective confrontation with Intel in the PC market decline with each passing day. Everyone was waiting for quite a lot from the new 8-core FX, and in some cases, they were slower than the 6-core Phenom II decision the previous generation.

Whether it was or anything else, the reason for the latter solution, but Mercurynews reports that plans for AMD – the maximum distance from direct competition with Intel. The company will be less attention paid to the processors for PCs and concentrate more on the mobile market that is going to change the strategy, which is followed for many years. In this way, probably, AMD will continue to develop its own platform Fusion, optimizing it and letting the chips for use in tablets or even smartphones.

“We are at a turning point – AMD representative said Mike Silverman (Mike Silverman). – We all need to leave behind the old notion “AMD vs. Intel”, because the more it will not happen. ”

According to analyst Dean McCarron (Dean McCarron), AMD can not respond to changes in consumer preferences, “Competitive dynamics of shifts due to these new emerging markets. There is a large restructuring of the world, and all companies are working to respond to new challenges. ”

In 2011, AMD had spent no more than half the executive director – a sure sign that the company needs to do something and quickly. Today the company is headed by a new man, who took some bold steps to develop the company in new directions and launched on the market under the brand of RAM AMD. AMD employees fell under the cut, especially departments of Public Relations and Marketing – the company is going to expose the dismissal of about 10% of all employees. Learn more about Audio Converter.

The problem is that the focus on the mobile market means competition with decisions based on the architecture of ARM, which firmly hold it the most. AMD will have to confront companies like Qualcomm, TI, NVIDIA, and so on. Thus, the company may only change one headache for another. Also do not forget about the quest to enter the Intel mobile market, so that the resulting strategy can be a transfer of the old opposition to new battleground.

Following a statement by Mike Silverman from AMD spread assumption that the company intends not only to change their priorities, but is willing to gradually move away from the x86 architecture in favor of an emerging ARM. However, AMD has decided to immediately stop such speculation, saying officially following: «AMD – leading developer of x86-processors, and we remain committed to the market x86. Our strategy – accelerating growth through the strength of our capabilities in design and purpose – the release of the range of products that best agree with the notable industrial shifts toward energy efficient solutions in emerging markets and cloud services. “