Against the GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 Cores in the ring will Radeon HD 6930?

Posted by on December 4, 2011 in Hardware | 0 comments

Against the GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 Cores in the ring will Radeon HD 6930?

On Thursday, NVIDIA has introduced a modified graphics card GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 Cores based on the established 40-nm chip GF110 with 448 cores CUDA. Thus, a California electronics giant managed to somehow make themselves known in the lull before the coming of its first announcement made on 28-nanometer process GPU family Kepler and at the same time provide yourself the opportunity to not only get rid of the stock chip GF110, but try to make the traditional consumer frenzy before the Christmas holidays.

This raises the logical question is whether, and how it is, a retaliatory move its main competitor in the person of Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)? Bring some clarity to the situation helped to information released by the Chinese network resource

Reportedly, the answer will be, as the developers intend to release from Sunnyvale in the middle of this month, a Radeon HD 6930. I must say that this recipe for “dish” in fact very similar to that used for the GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 Cores «cooks” from NVIDIA. That is, the new model will be a truncated version of the Radeon HD 6950, in which the stream processors will not be 1408, and 1280, the number of texture units (TMU) will be reduced from 88 to 80, but all the 32 blocks ROP (ROP) remain intact.

The accelerator will be equipped with one or two gigabytes of GDDR5 memory with 256-bit interface, and its frequency formula takes the form 750/4800 MHz (core / memory). For supplementary feeding will be provided for the duo special 6-pin connectors, while a set of retired rear panel ports will consist of two DVI, Mini DisplayPort and a pair of one HDMI.

As is the case with the GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 Cores, it is expected that AMD partners to create their own versions of Radeon HD 6930 will adopt a more effective alternative cooling systems. As for prices, for example, in China it will start with a level of $ 230.