Суперкомпьютер от компании Nvidia

The Barcelona Supercomputing Center has made a statement today it will begin implementation of a supercomputer, which will combine multiple CPUs company Nvidia, as well as the graphics technology of the same company.

All of this will be carried out as part of Mont-Blanc Project developed by the European Union. Center states that a machine will give scientists access to computing in Europe exa-scale, but the power consumption characteristics will remain at the previously created supercomputers. Computing a new monster will be called EU Mont-Blanc, from its quad-core chips, Nvidia Tegra 3, which are based microkernel ARM Holdings.

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IBM has expanded package of security functions

IBM has recently expanded its portfolio of measures aimed at ensuring security. It includes tools for analytics and services that help make a deep real-time analysis of new threats.

Portfolio allows you to remotely determine the status and nature of the changes, then the data are consolidated and the company or organization on this data can almost immediately take steps to prevent breaches in security systems, failure of which may lead to failures of business processes. These tools will help companies analyze their activities in the field of data security and change if necessary the system.

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Specifications of three Sandy Bridge-E, completed with liquid cooling systems, Intel

Intel has recently confirmed its intention to complete liquid cooling system for its future processors enthusiasts Series Core i7-3000, code-named Sandy Bridge-E. The company also agreed to sell the cooling system separately for installation on other platforms.

Coolers with liquid cooling system for the first time supported by Intel, and creating another point of support for high-end processors Sandy Bridge E – certainly, this equipment will be awarded a community focus overclockers. Sale cooler outside processors – also a completely new step Intel.

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